Lynda RuchtiPuppy Raiser / Trainer Since: 2014

I am a Madison native and graduate of our public schools and UW-Madison. I’ve enjoyed being a Speech-Language therapist for over 30 years and now I take my WAGS dog with me to work-which my students and co-workers LOVE!

Why WAGS? I had the inside scoop when friend with a WAGS service dog recommended it as a great organization. She was exactly right. The training WAGS pours into their puppies and puppy-raisers is rich. There is so much to learn and it comes at a pace that makes it very interesting and manageable. I find it all totally fascinating. I am sure that I’ve learned as much about myself in taking on this new adventure as I have about training dogs.

Favorite Memory? I love the way that every member of our family shares dog stories with each other throughout the week. We are all smitten by a pudgy, uncoordinated 8-week-old puppy turning into a skillful, mature dog so quickly through kind, positive training. Our service dogs have become a meaningful and delightful (temporary) member of our home. WAGS dogs are happy dogs! They love to play and love to work. Being a part of WAGS is a great way to experience how volunteering for others can bring great personal joy. I wouldn’t trade the experience for anything. A note of caution: This can be addictive and the swelling of love in your heart is very noticeable.

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